What is Environmental Deep Cleaning?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports that air pollution inside homes and offices is often 10 - 20 times higher than outside, and that it is wise to improve indoor air quality, even if symptoms of illness are not evident. This contamination can be a composite of such invisible culprits as viruses, bacteria, mold spores, pollen, dust mite and cockroach feces, cleaning agent residues, dead skin, animal dander, and fiberglass particles. All of these airborne particles become deposited on surfaces throughout the environment. These and other microscopic contaminants, such as chemical vapors and gases from modern building materials, furniture fabrics, cleaning chemicals and personal care products, also become suspended in the air. While there are many sources of such pollution, mostly the inevitable result of normal day-to-day living. It is widely acknowledged that effective housekeeping and maintenance is the key to acceptable indoor air quality and a healthier indoor environment. A thorough inspection should be performed to assure that there are no other unknown sources of pollution as from leaking heating and ventilation ducts. Also, the buildings own filtration systems should be inspected for its integrity and ability to manage the ongoing dust and microbial load along with its service schedule.

Environmental Deep Cleaning (EDC) is a set of simple, but very thorough technical specifications and cleaning procedures designed to improve the indoor air quality in your environment by significantly reducing the level of deposited allergens, toxins and other contaminants. It is a periodic maintenance procedure which, when supported by improved routine housekeeping, will greatly increase the cleanliness and healthfulness of any indoor environment.

How is this different from normal cleaning procedures?

Traditional cleaning techniques and equipment are designed to attend to visible pollution in the home or office. With them, you are cleaning for appearance only, not for pollution and health.

EDC covers both appearance and health. We are aiming to remove both the visible and invisible sources of indoor air pollution. While the visible spectrum is apparently easily attended to with normal cleaning, removing the invisible range requires deeper.